G Adventures Increases Sales to Peru by 67% with Innovative Travel Education Program

G Adventures, the world’s largest adventure tour company, has introduced an innovative travel education program for Australian travel agents, increasing sales to some regions by over half.

G Adventures has increased sales to Peru with visiting local CEOs
The program has seen G Adventures CEOs (tour guides, or ‘Chief Experience Officers’) from overseas visiting Australian travel agents in store and on ‘micro-famils’ where they provide first-hand accounts of their home country and develop a deeper understanding amongst travel agents who may not have been to the destination themselves.

A recent visit from a G Adventures CEO from Peru saw sales to the destination increase by 57 per cent year on year for South American itineraries, and a 67 per cent increase in sales to Peru specifically.

Belinda Ward, Managing Director for G Adventures Australia and New Zealand, said G Adventures is always thinking of new ways to inspire both their CEOs and agency partners.

“CEOs and travel agents are the most important part of our business,” Ward said. “They are the front line to our travellers on a day-to-day basis. If G Adventures can help inspire agents by learning from our CEOs on the ground then we know travellers will be inspired too.”

“Our travel education programs and ‘micro-famils’ have been a huge hit with travel agents locally, and we are excited to run more programs like this in the future,” she added.

The innovative travel education program is part of an ongoing professional development program that G Adventures undertakes each year with its CEOs to deliver growth and development opportunities.

For more information or to book a trip with a G Adventures CEO, call 1300 796 618 or visit www.gadventures.com.au

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